In my arms

and from the very first teardrop that day,
you've been missed like you've never been missed before
From that day, I've realized I can't be satisfied until I've got you back in my arms
These days, I've felt the worst feelings and I've thought the wrong thoughts
24 days have passed
Tomorrow, the broken boy will turn into a diamond
Tomorrow, my darkness will be flooded by light
Tomorrow, my hell will turn into heaven
Tomorrow, the time has come to feel alright
With you
Jag väntar på flygplatsen bell!
Postat av: Dragana
Så fin text Adam!! :D Hon kunde inte ha fått en bättre kille!
Postat av: Bella
hihi nej det finns ingen bättre kille drageneee! :*
jag älskar dig min sötis du är det bästa som finns, det var så sjukt undeerbart att få vara nära dig igen! vi ses ikväll, puss <3